Empowering Educators: Comprehensive Teacher Resource Bundles for Social and Behavioral Learning

Guys are needing teacher resources and talking social, emotional learning resources, adapted resources, anything you can dream of behavior resource wise, printable behavior resources, behavior intervention plan, leveling systems, you name it.

I have created teacher drives to be able to give you guys more and more resources. And the reason I created the treat teacher drives over just like using and teachers pay teachers all the time is because I wanted to be able to give you guys more resources for a lower cost. And then that way when I create new resources, I can continually add them to these teacher drives. So you can keep getting more resources. And as I add more resources, the price goes up like gradually throughout the year. And every time during the summer, I always create a ton of new resources and I add them to the teacher drive as I do that. And before I do that, I wanted to give you guys an opportunity to get access to the teacher drive but at an even lower cost, like quite literally the lowest cost I’ve ever done.

What I’ve done is I’ve hidden some discount codes in the comments of previous videos. So if you scroll through and you watch my videos, you will eventually be able to look through the comments and find different discount codes that can get you a percentage or a dollar amount off. You might get $5 off, 10% off, 25% off, 50% off. And I’m telling you guys, there’s even a 75% off coupon. These are hidden discount codes, but you can find them on my Facebook videos, my TikTok videos, or Instagram videos. So if you don’t find them on one of the platforms, you can try a different one and see if you can find it there. So that means you could get access to all of my teacher drives for literally $15. This is what the comments will look like. And if you’re wondering what’s in those teacher drives, I’m gonna just show you a brief, like little summary or sneak peek of it in my printable behavior resource drive. This drive is normally $25.

There’s a ton of different resources. There’s staff resources, there’s growth mindset posters. There’s token charts, talking tickets, do not engage, science transition cards, student break charts, social skills posters, sticker charts for my 4 step apology wall that I love that you often see in a lot of my pictures or videos, the escalation strategies, communication cards, brain break charts, calm down break cards. There are different behavior charts, toileting charts, all the things. And once again, this is continually added to. And I have a bunch of new things that I created this past year that I just haven’t uploaded yet, but it will be added to this summer.

This is my behavior intervention plans and leveling systems, teacher drive in. The cool thing about this is that I break down how I do each thing. You get a template of all of them, and then there’s videos that go along with it to help explain it better. So you get everything that you need for leveling systems, behavior intervention plans. And there’s also some freebies in here as well. This is normally $20, but like I said, once again, there are a ton of videos in here that explain how everything is used. And if you don’t know what a leveling system is, it also explains that in here. But essentially, a leveling system is something that students have when behaviors are more severe and they gradually work their way back to the classroom based on their good behavior.

Next up is my adapted teacher drive. I have a ton of resources I have to add to this as well. There’s visual schedule resources, sensory ban activity is it’s hard for me to pull these up and move quickly. Math task boxes, literacy task boxes.

There’s also fine motor task boxes, airless learning mats. Hold on, let me get those pulled up. And then also adapted books. Once again, this has a ton of new resources that will be added to it again this summer. Last but not least, this is probably my favorite teacher drive and there’s a lot of new things that will be added to this because I’ve recently created quite a few different things. This will have a bunch of different social stories. I feel like this is a super needed thing and I’m creating shorter stories to help kids with a ton of different behaviors. Sensory bottle activities, there’s journal pages, there’s sync sheets, there’s social skills activities, how to teach or introduce social skills. Different art projects or bulletin boards will be added into here too. So this one is normally only $10. If you get all teacher drives, you can get the bundled price for $60 colors. But like I said, right now I have five different discount codes that are hidden out there. And Facebook and TikTok and Instagram, they’re already up there for you to find. If you find them, you can just put the discount code in when you go to purchase on my website. So when you go to purchase whatever it is that you’re purchasing, so this is normally $60, you would just click here, add coupon code. And then you would type in whatever your coupon code is and then it would apply it directly there and it would come right off the total cost.

Heaven knows all of us teachers are out here prepping things for the next year. So I thought what better time than now to start downloading resources, prepping and putting everything together. And as I upload things, I will make sure to share with you guys. So happy summer.