Title: The Pocket Test: A Playful Exchange to Prove Gender Identity

girl how would I prove that I’m a girl
I don’t know let me think
she hummed and tapped her chin
thinking for a moment before looking at you again
actually let me check your pockets
what my pockets
girl you ain’t touching my pants
she rolled her eyes it’s not for anything weird
don’t worry I just wanna look in your pockets then I’m done
just trust me she stuck her hands out
waiting for you to hand over your pockets
no thank you
she groaned then step closer to you
come on just give them over
give what over I don’t wanna put my
put the girl
she rolled her eyes again
then she lunged at you grabbing your pockets
she started digging through them to look for something
what are you looking for
just stay still a moment she mumbled
as she took out a few things from your pocket and tossed them in the sink
still searching
why do you have so much in my pockets
not the time she mumbled
continuing to search through your pockets until she found a small wallet
she pulled it out immediately and looked inside
what are you looking for
shut up and stay still
after rummaging through the small wallet
she seemed to have found what she needed
she smirked a bit
what did you find
she took out a small folded up piece of paper from the wallet
then proceeded to unfold it
her smirk growing larger as she examined the paper
what what’s all the paper
she finally spoke up something that definitively proves you are a girl
um my license
exactly she held up the ID
glancing back and forth from the ID to you
well yeah
I told you I was a girl why wouldn’t you believe me in the first place
she gave you a look have you looked at yourself
you kinda look like a prepubescent boy
what hello