The Code of Secrets and Loyalties in Middle School

You’re new here, so you don’t know how things work.
There’s this code in high school that governs the way we operate.
It’s the only thing that separates us from the animals.
Actually, it’s our opposable thumb.
You read it all wrong. You broke the code.
But Principal Dowling said I could get suspended.
So what if you miss a few days?
I mean, you’re already in sixth grade ahead.
So I’m supposed to lie? You’re supposed to keep your mouth shut.
Did you hear about Mo?
He can’t play in the game cause somebody squealed on him.
Who would do that?
I have no idea. Hey, Ralph,
did you hear about Mo?
Now, you see what I just did?
That was a code in action. Follow.
Something happened, and you maybe saw what happened,
and you told what you saw.
And so now they’re freezing you out, huh?
I’m not saying yes and I’m not saying no.
You can trust me, man.
But that would be breaking the code.
See, I do remember that
there was a clause in the code
that protects father son confidentiality.
Dad, I skipped six whole grades.
You really expect me to fall for that?
Yes, I do. That’s the sad part.