List of Companies Making Significant Workforce Cuts – Insights and Warnings for Employees

so I ran across this list from another creator on this platform
that I’m gonna tag and special thank you to Genevieve for putting this um list
cause I think sometimes
when you see the list of companies that actually cut people
kinda starts to give you uh
a real sense of what’s going on
I mean these are huge companies
I mean 15% of Dell’s workforce is huge
same with Intel same with into it Paypal
Twitch 35% Expedia
8% Docusign Snap indeed Peloton
and I think really
when I look at lists like this and I really see the severity of what’s going on
it paints a picture of potentially more of what 24 is gonna look like
you know if you’re not paying attention right now to what’s going on
or you sitting back thinking oh that could never happen to me
guys I wanna be honest with you
I’m talking to people who been at the companies for like nine years
10 years 20 years
and they getting laid off uh
so I’ve been saying it a lot
but I think some of the signs are if you’re working at a large
well known tech company
um I don’t think you’re in a place where your job’s 100% safe
we’re also seeing a lot more emphasis on cutting low performers
so I think if you’re at a big company
and if you honestly look at your performance
and you’re not lining up to their expectations
you are at risk I’m not saying this to scare people
I’m more saying it so you can be mentally prepared
cause there’s nothing worse than unexpected email with HRCC Donna