My Journey from Trailer Park to Success: A Poetic Reflection

We came a long way from eight deep
in that trailer park on Old Highway 53.
We came a long way from wondering when our next meal was gonna be
like. Now they got a real nigga spit in poetry.
Talk about they trying to grow their business. Like how I get a tea.
But work ethic ain’t something you could buy,
right? And all them dark deeds always come to light through time.
Cause this life is a balancing act.
The highest highs also bring the lowest lows.
This I know.
So I tight rope walk 1,000 feet above generational trauma,
1,000 feet above interpersonal issues.
I’m so disconnected from the drama,
I’m cautious but confident.
I know the wrong move could bring me back to the ground.
Misguided through missteps
and this whole shit could come crashing down. But we believe.