Cabin Escapade: The Ultimate Hangover Cure in Black You

Imagine if we lived in a world where hangovers don’t exist.
We had a party last night to celebrate Leah hitting 100 k on TikTok
and things got lineal messy.
There’s cheesy chips and confetti scattered on the floor
and the house smells like a brewery.
And not a nice one. Burgers for breakfast is essential on a hangover,
and visiting Martha Moo makes everything better.
The beer fear is crippling
and considering this is my 3rd burger of the day,
I still feel so rough. I’ve said it before,
but I’ll say it again.
If you have any pictures or videos of me last night,
delete them now. I’ve just spontaneously booked a cabin for the night
and kidnap Leo and Charlie to come with me.
I need to forget about everything that happened last night,
so we’re actually fleeing our hometown with scarper into Swansea.
I need to be around animals,
nature, some peace and quiet to gather my thoughts and have a chillax
for the evening. I booked the only place with a hot tub on Airbnb.
It’s called Black You and this was the perfect hangover cure.
We chilled out for hours in the hot tub.
We built a campfire. We didn’t have no marshmallows with us,
so we made up for it by ordering a massive takeaway.
We got two Maggie beats
as I got cheesy beans and chips and a nacho cheese chicken wrap.
Although it would have been nice to have a glass Of wine or two.
The thought of alcohol makes me wanna gag.
So if you’re watching this now,
severely hungover, try and remember everything.
I’ll be okay. And if not,
just run away for the night. Love you so.