Prime Bite Brownies: The Ultimate Protein Bar Substitute – Flavors, Savings, and Must-Have Deals

Do you like Prime Bite brownies
or even thinking about trying them?
Now is the time because they’re on sale.
Usually these are like $40 a box,
which is crazy. I don’t pay that.
You shouldn’t pay that either.
They go on sale on the TikTok shop pretty often
and I usually wait for them to go under $30,
and that’s happening right now.
Literally every single flavor is under $30 for some reason.
I don’t know why. It’s August 19th.
I don’t know how long it’s gonna last,
but like, I’m about to go stock up
and you should too. I like,
don’t even buy protein bars anymore because this.
This basically is a protein bar and it tastes 10 times better.
So like, why would I?
My favorite flavors are the cake batter,
the cinnamon,
and recently I’ve kind of gotten into the chocolate cookie monster,
but honestly all of them are good.
So usually if the variety packs on sale,
I’ll buy that. Just don’t miss it
cause you never know when it’s gonna end. Gonna end.