Natural Skincare Routine: Oatmeal Honey Scrub and Turmeric Paste for Radiant Skin

We’re making an oatmeal scrub, okay?
Oatmeal honey. But this is real honey, okay?
You just put a little bit, okay?
And then you go, I’m gonna mix the honey.
It’s really it. You’re not mixing it up,
but you’re using the honey. And you’re gonna
scrub your face with it,
And get off all the dead skin.
Step two is honey and turmeric.
This one.
Gorgeous. Turmeric.
Look at that.
Look at that. Funny.
Anti inflammatory. And this one I Learned from my Trini aunties,
my Indian, the Indian side of my family.
So you just make a little paste
that also exfoliates. So what I do is I put this on,
I rub it again after this heavier, coarser buff.
And then I let it sit there
for, like 10 minutes.
You gotta take care of yourself,
whether that’s. Hold on, guys,
I’m talking to people, whether that’s meditation or prayer.
Be at peace. Sleep.
And I have anxiety issues,
so I know it’s hard. The truth is,
we all get wrinkles, we all age.
But what makes us look young?
It’s our joy. When your eyes sparkle.
When you get lines,
but the lines are from smiling instead of crying and frowning.