Frozen Mindfulness: A Therapeutic Encounter

Can I freeze you? No, I gotta freeze you.
Um, um, um,
Get up. Cold.
Get up.
You see? You see how he’s frozen?
Very, very mindful.
Very deviant. Oh, yeah.
It was therapeutic. Oh, no,
it’s okay. It’s a.
God damn, it’s cold.
Hmm. Ouch. You’re done,
Oh, yeah,
yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.
yeah. Now what?
It. The fucking woo. Woo!
See? You see how I let him win?
Very mindful, very de nouveau.
Hey, it
the woo. It
the woo.
You farted on me. No,
I dinkied. Look,
you dinkied on me. Yeah.