The Primordial Spire: A Dark Fantasy Journey with Queen Lilith

You guys, I’m gonna be on a book cover.
This is Jordan Mcgray. If you do not follow her,
you absolutely fucking should.
I’ve known her since the early days of turn around, Alan,
and she has been nothing but fucking remarkable.
It was maybe close to a year ago
when I reached out to her
about possibly using her likeness
for one of the characters in The Primordial Spire.
Dark fantasy I’ve been working on for a while.
And she. She.
She fucking. She.
She said yes. I did let her know that Queen Lilith was technically
sort of the villain of. Of this.
Of this little, uh,
quest. And, um,
she was. She was fucking.
She was fine with that. What do y’all think?
How about now with the ear?
The book is called The Primordial Spire,
and it comes out this November.
I think I may need to cosplay Queen Lilith. What do y’all think?