Back to School: A Year 10’s Perspective

Good morning, guys.
Did you all have a good summer?
George and Toby, I don’t know why you’re still acting like year nines.
We’re year tens now.
I actually have seen better behaviour from our New Year sevens.
You must be new. Yes. Yeah.
What’s wrong, darling?
You can’t find B block? Okay.
It’s a big building there.
Do you see that? Do you see the big B writing there?
Yes, that’s B block over there.
Did you need me to walk you that?
No, you’re fine.
Okay. Yeah. No.
Oh, you know,
might be nice to say thank you next time.
Girls. Uh,
girls, I don’t know where your uniform standards have gone.
You know, it’s only been six weeks.
Why have we forgotten about top buttons?
Can you do those up, please?
Now we’re year 8,
not year 7 anymore. So you need to start acting a bit more grown up.