Deceptive Tactics: Unraveling the Mind of a Serial Killer

Yeah, if you could just put it in the back of my van.
Uh, okay,
yeah, keep going.
Get in the very back. Um, alright.
Yeah, that’s great.
Hey, are you about a size 14?
Sorry, what?
Ah, what the heck?
He’s all strong now. You mean Buffalo Bill?
Yeah, he’s injured.
He has a broken arm.
He just hit her with his cast when that hurt his arm.
He’s not injured. And like,
he’s too weak to even carry his couch in his van.
Now he can knock her out with one shot.
Doesn’t make any sense. Yeah,
this guy, uh,
he’s actually not injured.
He’s a serial killer who pretends to have an injury,
like a broken arm, in order to get people to help him.
That’s how he lures his victims
so they’ll feel sorry for him.
They’ll see him as non threatening.
And in this case, she helps him move a couch to his van.
that’s really smart. Yeah,
so he’s tricking her into helping him move before he kills her.
That’s genius.
Where is he moving to? Doctor Lecter,
please tell me what you know about Buffalo Bill.
Quid pro quo, Clarice.
I tell you things, you tell me things.
But not about this case. About yourself.
Okay, Doctor Lecter,
what would you like to know?
Okay, this FBI girl.
You mean Clarice? Yeah.
Why is she talking to Hannibal Lecter?
I thought you told me earlier that he’s a serial killer.
Yeah, he is a serial killer.
That’s why she’s talking to him.
Cause remember, she’s trying to catch that other serial killer,
Buffalo Bill. So by talking to Hannibal,
he’s helping her with that case.
He’s helping her? Really?
He does toy with her, but yeah,
he helps. Oh,
thanks. So is Hannibal Lecter an FBI agent, too?
Okay, remind me.
This guy that the FBI girl just shot,
he’s a serial killer, right?
Yes, that’s Buffalo Bill.
Okay, okay,
I think I know what’s gonna happen next.
Oh, yeah,
the FBI girl is gonna be the new serial killer?
Uh, no, that doesn’t happen.