Binge-Watching ‘Emily in Paris’ with Real-Life Emily in Paris – Season 1 Episode 1 Reactions

So I have never seen Emily in Paris.
Which I know is crazy
because I literally am Emily in Paris in real life.
Like last summer when I was living in Santa Paula,
it was JJ and Santa Paula.
And now I’m an American living in nice.
Now it’s Jenna and nice. Jenna Jean nice.
I’m still working on that,
but you know. Seriously,
I get a comment every single day saying you are Emily in Paris
and I’ve never watched the damn thing.
So without further ado,
we are going to binge watch Emily in Paris together.
Okay, starting with season 1 episode one.
I think I’m gonna put on French subtitles
cause we’re learning French here.
Why the fuck not? IBS drug.
It’s a social initiative. No,
she’s talking about IBS. Serious? Me?
IBS queen. We have more in common than I thought.
Oh my god. Hell yeah!
Bonjour, Bonjour!
I’ve got you a keys.
Oh, of course.
He’s cute. And he says a vek plez if.
This is how the French say you’re welcome.
It’s a vek plez if. Like,
with pleasure. So hot.
Of course her freaking landlord is hot.
And he’s saying a VEC Plaisir.
Like obviously they’re gonna.
Oh, did Paul and Prufrock say already?
Well, perhaps it’s better not to try.
Is she a freaking marketer like me?
Dude, shut the fuck up.
I didn’t realize, like,
how summer we were.
What? What? I.
I thought this was my apartment.
Of course. There’s a neighbor boy.
I’ve also dated the neighbor boy
once upon a time. I was just on the wrong floor. Mercy.
Oh, God.
French from Normandy.
And he’s French. Oh,
I know that beach. Nice to meet you, neighbor.
I’m sure it is nice to meet the neighbor.
Stop flirting. Girl facts right here.
You leave to work,
we work to live. The French. Yes,
it’s good to make money. But I like this guy.
There you are. Is everything okay?
No. Whoops.
So much.
You guys are gonna break up. Please.
Oh, get naked with me.
Are we having cyber sex?
Do you feel good? Yeah.
my god.
And that’s a wrap. Episode 1 season 1 Emily in Paris.