Falling for Fall: Creating an Autumn Polymer Clay Collection

Let’s create make five of the autumn collection together.
I start by trimming off the end of some shapes that I rolled earlier.
I popped it back in the roller to do that
so that it had a nice perfect edge.
I then got some of my orange clay and use one of Mr.
Marshmallow’s new cutters,
which had a nice little print in it.
I only needed two, so it meant we had a nice satisfying peel.
I then use my EXACTO tool to chop in loads of little lines
to give it a nice effect. I made sure I was extra careful
to avoid the little print in the middle.
I then popped a little line of polymer clay adhesive
around the cylinder and picked up the orange strip really carefully
and laid it over the top and tapped it round.
I had to be really gentle here
so that I didn’t squish any of the lines,
and I used as little pressure as possible
to neaten up the edges at the back.
This was obviously super fiddly to do and I had to be really,
really careful, but I think it looks really cute.
I then popped some cling film over the top of some black clay
and I used another new cutter to create the toppers.
I made sure I pressed down extra hard on these guys
to make sure the clay came up through the indent.
Once they were cut,
I gave them a nice Neat and up round the edges with my fingers
to make sure they were nice and smooth.
To attach these to the white,
I use the polymer clay adhesive again,
and I make sure I’m not covering the hole in the middle.
This just means it’s really easy for me to see
when I attach the eye pin
so that I can pop it right back in the same place.
Once it’s on. I give it a little wiggle
and a push down to make sure it’s all lined up,
and do the exact same again for the other one.
I give them a little clean with some ice,
purple alcohol, and a cotton bud before I pop them in the oven.
Before they’re finished. Pumpkin spice lattes.