Unlocking Sales Potential: The Power of Value Proposition in Etsy Listing Photos

so if you wanna increase sales
then you need to increase your quick through rate
so so many Etsy sellers forget to put a value proposition
on their main listing photo
and all a value prop is is basically showing the customer at a quick glance
cause remember they’re scrolling how your product is going to benefit them
and this is why doing your marketing product research is so important
because you need to know exactly what they want need desire out of your product
so that you can be highlighting it on that mean listing photo
that mean listing photo is basically a billboard into your listing
and possibly into your shop
and this is why inside my membership we focus on market
product and trend research
because you wanna make sure that you’re injecting all those things
that matter the most to your customer
and your product so when you take a picture of it
it really does have stopping power on the search engine results pages
and you also wanna make sure that you’re differentiated
and not doing the same things that other people are doing