Title: Adventurous Eats: Exploring the Delights of Byul Gopchang in Ktown

this is the MOST adventurous food..
I have had ALL year
it might look like
normal Korean barbecue
but as I rewind this..
you’ll see what I mean😏
this restaurant has been
in ktown for decades
and is beloved by the Koreans
for a famous dish called..
yup those are cow intestines
I’ve always assumed
this is an acquired taste
but I’ve hit that point
where I’m not impressed
unless a restaurant is doing
something really out of the box
so I’m finally giving this a try
they start with banchan and
I like their selection
especially the japchae
I do brisket & pork belly
at every KBBQ and
this was no different
so don’t worry
cause if you don’t like intestines
they have all the other meats too
they have a staff of ajummas
who cook for you and
add so much credibility
this is a combo fried rice
my Korean friends like to mix this
but I like it like this
the demure way✨
the intestines are actually in it too
this giant bibimbap is a
weekday lunch special for only 7.95
and for intestines
I got their star combo that
includes large and small intestines
stomach and soju
I was balking at the side of this
especially this curled one
but the more she cut it up
the more delicious it looked &
smelled so fragrant
the large intestine looked like sausages
I guess this is like the OG sausage😭
it was my favorite
the texture was just like sausage
& the inside
melts in your mouth
Gopchang goes through rigorous cleaning
sometimes using soju
so fitting that their combo has soju
for a dollar you can get this mix
to make it a soju cocktail
I’m really glad I tried intestine
and it tasted so much better
than it looked
give them a try
they’re called 📍Byul Gobchang