Title: Reshaping History: Redrawing Racist Australian Art and Celebrating Indigenous Political Leadership

welcome to The Art of resistance
a series where I redraw racist Australian art
today I will be redrawing the racist artwork by Tom Glover
published in 1938 in the sun
a Sydney newspaper
the cartoon features a caricatured Aboriginal figure named Jackie MP
the caption reads
the government is considering appointing an Aboriginal member to
the house of representatives
who would be allowed to speak
but not to vote Jackie is shown requesting plenty subsidy
witcherty Grubb and goanna
and ridiculing the idea of genuine Aboriginal representation
what’s important to remember
is that this cartoon was published less than 100 years ago
it wasn’t that long ago that this kind of racist portrayal was considered
acceptable in mainstream media
Senator Neville Bonner who entered the Senate in 1971
was the first Aboriginal man to serve in federal Parliament
this series highlights the achievements of indigenous politicians
like Linda Burney and Lydia Thorpe
and honours the enduring strength and legacy of our people