DIY Haircut Disaster: A Story of Trust, Technique, and Sisterly Bonding

اخر مره لما رحت قصيت شعري
مصفف الشعر خرب لي شعري تماما وما قصه مثل ما حابه لهيك قررت
ما عاد اروح الصالون مره اخرى واقصه في البيت
شعري من قدام قصه كثير قصير بينما من ورا خلاه نفس الطول
الان اختي اجت لعندي وحخليها تصلح لي الكارثة اللي عملها لي
-قصيت شعر من قبل؟ لا ابدا
she’s calling her husband
because she doesn’t trust me enough but I think he’s worse
اختي حكت لي
ha ha Sam don’t make it so close
you want to do it from here right
do show me show me how you’re gonna do it show me do here
ooh it’s too much no no no let me do it let me do it I’m gonna cut it
look no you don’t take like this and cut you should I know like
look thank you so much
appreciate it it was bad
let me
let me tell you I never cut a hair before but I know the technique
like this I know well like if you got so much
it’s not much it’s not much I need to make it straight
look there so it’s not straight now no like there are some no it’s
I’m honestly not trusting you
I can’t even feel the difference
yes because I didn’t get much
like this that’s the not so much no no no no wait wait wait wait
it’s just that
it’s perfect I swear it’s perfect okay let’s style It
and see how is it?
Wow! I love it.