Seizing the Moment: A Triumph Beyond Expectations

She has seized this moment.
She’s in command of this race.
She’s performing at an unbelievably high level,
and the country is really responding to her.
I mean, that’s the other thing.
You’ve seen the crowds, you’ve seen the energy,
you’ve seen the passion.
But what is that about the triumph of low expectations?
I think it’s. I think it’s a couple things.
I think one is that the country is ready to move beyond MAGA and Trump.
There’s this desperation to get to a better politics.
50 50 in the polls, isn’t it?
I think I would say we’re up a few points.
I would much rather be us than them
as we head into the home stretch here
and so. But I think there is this weariness.
Remember, MAGA perform poorly in 2018 and 2020 and 2022.
And I think that the country.
There’s an anti MAGA majority in America
that is ready to move on to a better politics.
Wants to bring people back together and not push them apart,
and wants a strong economy and a better future.
And I think the vice president has really tapped into that,
and I think it’s. It is like lightning in a bottle and.
And it. But it’s.
Right now, it’s powerful.
It’s far more powerful.
I think the best column I’ve read in the last few days
was that
Trump now has to accept that he’s not driving American politics
like he’s been doing for Nine years.
There’s a new kid in town.