Lost in Frustrations: The Search for the Imaginary Boss Fight

If you go back, there could be a way down.
Are you guys fucking with me? Huh?
You fucking with me? Let’s find out.
Yeah, there is no way down.
That’s what I’m saying. You fucking wasting my time.
Look at the hole again and find a way down for a galaxy.
Fucking. That was.
That’s such a waste of time.
Everyone’s getting so pissed.
Yeti Key. Thank you for the galaxy.
I appreciate that. You want me to go back there, bro?
What’s happening?
Someone gave me a galaxy to come back here and look and look around
and waste time and look at shit
instead of play the game. So
we’re playing search for the imaginary hole in the ground
that’ll lead me to the imaginary boss fight that’s around here.
Didn’t find shit. Don’t even say that.
Don’t fucking say that. Don’t you dare.
There’s fucking nothing there.
I’m telling you right now, nothing. We are what a.
Everyone’s telling me I have to go back now.
Fine, we’ll go back to the fucking nothing.
We. This is what we’ll just do.
We will flat out sit here and not play the game.
We will flat out just look for the imaginary fucking boss fight.
Okay. Why am I doing this?
Why, why.
Why am I going back? Why bet my fucking characters?
Like, why am I going back and forth?
I have a fucking mission to do.
I’m supposed to be a. Figuring out how to Be a god.
But I’m over here looking at water and dirt,
trying to see if it can make me a boss fight.
See, we’ll even go up and down the stream here
and see if maybe there’s a secret,
like, Golden Fucking path that takes us there, too.
Wait, wait,
wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
Okay, this isn’t a boss fight.
This is not a boss fight.
It’s a crow, man.
We already encountered one of these.
This is a regular. This is a regular enemy.
This is no boss. But this is a secret area.