Understanding the Reality of Making a Living on YouTube: The Importance of Originality and Creativity

What is going on guys? Today I’m gonna be talking about something that I think a lot of people overestimate. And I’m gonna be talking about what it takes to make a living off YouTube.

Now, before I say this, if you want to make a living off YouTube, one of the biggest things you need to do is post original content. If, especially in the gaming community, you’re not original, your videos are just gonna get filtered out with all the other spam people upload. I mean, so many people do the exact same thing and so on. Just make sure you’re original if you ever wanna get to the point that I’m talking about in this video, where you can actually make a living off YouTube, get opposed to original good quality content. And if you are doing that, then you will get somewhere. If you’re doing like a lot of people do and just doing the same old stuff over and over again, montages, things like that. Everyone else does that. There’s nothing unique to. And I’ll be honest, I do have my fair share of, you know, going with the flow videos, doing what everyone else is doing, not really being different videos. But if you post original content, you can get somewhere off on YouTube. But especially in the gaming community, you have to be really creative cuz just about everything’s been done.

But anyways, I’m gonna be talking about what it takes to make a living off YouTube. Now, if you’ve watched any of my videos, you’ve seen how I’ve calculated numbers. This and that. 30 million views per year is what I think it takes to make a living off YouTube. 30 million views will get you around $60,000. Cuz you get. I’m around $2,000 per million views. Anybody knows this, if you get a million views, you show a million ads on YouTube, you’re gonna get between 1,000 to 2,500 dollars. I work, so I’ll average it out. So you get around $2,000. And so if you get 30 million views in a year, that’s $60,000. But then your network, no matter who you are, your network is gonna take percentage on that. And so we’ll say after that, you’ll come out to around $50,000,45,000. $50,000, which to me is enough to make a living off of. A lot of you are probably thinking, how are you gonna pay for a car in a house and all this other stuff with 45,$50,000.

You need around thirty million views per year. And you can divide that up. That’s a couple million views a month. And to a lot of big Youtubers, there’s nothing. They average millions upon millions of views per video and they upload almost a video a day. So I mean, they’re reaching that 50,000 dollar Mark in a month. And a lot of people just like to reach that 50 thousand dollar Mark in a year. And so that’s pretty much that.

I think it’s overrated, though. I think a lot of people are trying to become Youtubers. A lot of the young people are spending a lot of their time making YouTube videos and 90% of those videos aren’t even getting viewed by someone else besides stem and their friends. And part of it is, like I mentioned earlier, they’re not being original. They’re doing what everyone else is doing. And if you’re doing a gaming channel and you’re copying everyone else, you’re not gonna get anywhere. It’s just there’s so many videos and there’s not enough viewers to actually watch them all. So you have to be original. That way when someone does watch it, they’re gonna tell their friend, you, you, you know how it works.

So I know, and I said this earlier, I’m not that original in my videos either. I’m trying to, and I wanna branch out and do some other things. And I just try to be creative and talk about stuff that’s not provoking that I would actually like to listen to. And if I would watch my own videos, and I’m sure there are other people in the world that would to, but yeah, around 30 million views would get you around $60,000. And then your network takes a percentage and yada, yada, yada. And that’s what I think it takes to make a living. So if you want to make a living off YouTube and you think you can pull out 30 million views per year, then you got what it takes. And that’s pretty much that. Just so you can see if you like see a small Youtuber or a medium size Youtuber and you’re wondering if they make a living, just check and see if they’re getting more than 30 million views per year. And more than likely, they’re doing YouTube as a job. And that’s pretty much that YouTube a lot of people are doing nowadays. Like so many gaming channels start up every day. And I know, I mean, everyone who starts a channel wants to get famous and wants to get big and get to that point where they’re making a lot of YouTube money. And I just have a bunch of fans, even if they’re not doing it for the money, just, you know, to have a bunch of fans. And one of the biggest things, I know I’m throwing this in, I know this video is supposed to be talking about what it takes to make a living off YouTube. The biggest thing is to be original and be creative. And that’s pretty much it. Hope you’re good and I’ll talk to it.