Supporting Selena: Witnessing Raw Talent Blossom and Rise

Why was it important for you to be here tonight?
To support Selena, you know,
as when we were both teenagers.
I just remember working with her and just seeing the talent.
Her timing is just impeccable,
and her performance is impeccable.
It’s hard to be committed.
It’s hard enough to give a good performance, right?
As an actor, that’s a hard thing to do.
But to do it on time, that’s also a very,
very hard thing to do. Drama,
you have some time to find the moment.
Comedy’s gotta be there immediately.
To see her.
To see that raw talent and to see it level up to where she is now
with two of the best in the business and not just holding her own,
contributing, is,
um. Incredible. Incredible.