The New Wave: A Conversation on Music Industry Success and Branding

Wow, that’s different.
What a platform. Um,
man, you see, I, my,
I feel like I can’t say shit after that.
They drove from Dallas. I’m like, damn,
that’s some shit right there.
I, I,
yeah, 25 hours.
Wow. Wow,
you made it, man.
I just, I just come here to congratulate you,
you know, ain’t,
ain’t about me. It’s about you, right?
Wow, you,
you, you,
you’ve really took something that,
that was.
I don’t know where you was going at with it when you first started,
did you, did you think it was gonna be here?
But, bro,
I’m sitting over there telling him like
he got something to the point to where I think this is the new wave.
I think this is where the music industry is gonna be.
Cause you teaching.
The first thing I told you was when I got a chance to was,
hey, bro,
you teaching a catch, you teaching a real.
This is the gospel. You teaching these cats
how they should really be in the music industry
and how to control their own,
you know, their business. And,
and I say, man,
I got some things for you too.
I want to talk to you about on branding.
Cause you should be branding yourself a lot.
You got so much shit going on, bro,
but you so big right now, man.
Make sure you brand too, cause you’re doing all this other shit,
but brand also get you some products,
We want to see some LA Russell chips and huh,
when y’all like some LA Russell chips,
the Russell cognac drinks,
all this other whatever the hell you want to do,
you should be on the shelves with it, bro,
cause this shit is. I applaud you,
little brother, man.
May god bless you on your route, man. Cause you going away