Toilets at Festivals: An Unsavory Experience According to Attendees

What do you think of toilets at festivals?
Disgusting, lad.
They’re rotten. They’re disgusting.
Stinking of. My dad’s tree is rotten.
They’re running out of toilet roll.
They’re rotten. It’s not good.
They don’t smell great, I won’t lie.
A bit for breeze on the side as well as the toilet paper.
And you be meant like, I feel like I’m quite lucky
cause I’m a fella and I’m after walking to take a piss
and there was a line about 200 odd women trying to get in.
Oh, lads,
they’re horrific. You might as well just shit in the floor right now.
Oh, disgusting, disgusting.
Actually, I think women are better kept than men.
They get disgusting at the end of the weekend.
Oh, they’re so disgusting.
Just dig a hole. Horrible experience,
I think everybody would agree.
Like the worst of the worst, like,
you know, but I think you’re prepared,
you’re expecting it, so you deal with it.
They’re gone on the first day,
but as you get going, they are horrific.
Day 2 even, like,
they’re just gone. You don’t want to be in there.