Neon Soundscapes: Exploring the Aesthetic of Cyberpunk Music and Visuals

How did that ultimately amalgamate into this aesthetic?
Cause, you know,
the word Korns being thrown around a lot.
Yes, the word cyberpunks being thrown around a lot.
Is that just kind of
a natural amalgamation of these sounds you landed on?
Well, I think,
you know, um,
some of the music sounds.
I think. I think.
I think some of the music sounds, um,
It’s exaggerated, you know,
I think it’s. I think it’s.
I think it is romantic in that sense.
It’s. It’s exaggerated.
The colours are. The colours that I hear in the music
are not colours that you naturally find
that. That you find in.
In nature. That’s early,
you know, that the.
The songs sound neon and, uh.
And kind of, uh, ridiculous,
you know? And, uh.
I think that in order to kind of communicate that.
That idea thoroughly, I didn’t.
I didn’t want to go out, like,
on stage,
dress the same as I. As I.
As I was for the dog or whatever.
I wanted to kind of make sure that everything was, um.
I wanted to put. Put the audience in.
In the right mindset to render them, um, uh,
sensitive to the message that we’re trying to convey, you know