Anticipating Trump’s Next Move: Strategizing for the Future of Kamala’s Campaign

There’s a lot of energy for Kamala right now.
There’s a lot of momentum.
I’m. I’m.
I’m fearful, though.
I’m fearful that Democrats aren’t thinking a few steps ahead.
Trump is throwing his tantrums.
He’s mad that she’s doing well,
but, you know,
he’s a competitor. He’s gonna.
He’s gonna pivot. He’s gonna come back with something.
Are the Dems strategizing many steps ahead?
I believe so. But what are you anticipating? When.
What am I. What?
Are you kidding me? What’s he gonna do in a couple of weeks?
I mean, I think he’s sitting at home watching the energy,
the enthusiasm, the optimism that’s gonna come out of this week,
and I think it’s gonna hurt his brain.
Yeah, well, it is.
It is hurting his brain.
Okay. Let’s hope that happens.
Let’s. Let’s prepare for him to get his head on straight
and stop throwing a tantrum like a four year old.
He’s acting like a four year old.
Eventually, they calm down
and they. They figure out the weak spot.
So I’m just hoping the Dems are.
Are you. Are you in touch?
You’re a coach here on Kamala’s campaign, or.
I am. I mean,
how does that. Are you strategizing?
Are you talking long term?
Well, I mean,
this is Michigan. Is Michigan, right?
There’s Wisconsin, Pennsylvania,
Michigan. These are the swingiest of states.
Yes. And we are gonna decide the outcome of this election. Yes.
We gotta show up. We gotta do the Work.
We gotta be in all 83 counties.
We cannot write off a place because it looks Republican.
In past elections. Yeah.
We’re gonna show up and we’re gonna pull people in.