Choosing Positivity: How Your Mindset Shapes Your Day

this is your reminder that you can choose to have a good day today
or you can choose to have a bad day today
and the way that you react on things
is what’s going to determine how your day goes
okay this is a mindset shift that I also Learned
where I choose to look at the more positive sides of things
okay so this morning I woke up and I called my grandma
like I call her every Thursday
which is my daughter’s great grandma
we go and visit her every Thursday
and I decided that I’m gonna have a great day today okay
so then I go to check my messages
my emails all the things that I do every morning
and I see somebody who is complaining up
complaining about one of the Facebook groups
and they wanna leave the Facebook group because they think it’s a waste of time
okay bye
I’m not gonna let that make me mad
end of story you wanna leave the group
I’m not begging you to be here anyway
so then I could have chosen to let that ruin my whole day
but I am not letting that ruin my day baby
I got my Starbucks pumpkin coffee
I got my croissant I got my egg bites
we’re going to see my grandma
and today is a great day alright
Stan also messaged me to see if I would be interested in being an ambassador
so just this is just your reminder
that if you choose to look at the positive sides of things
your day in your life will be so much better
I promise do not let anyone dull your sparkle baby