Two Amazing Moves to Counter Computer Posture Before Bed: Undoing Damage and Promoting Better Posture

Let me show you two amazing moves
that you can start doing tonight before you go to bed
so you can undo the damage that that computer posture has done to you.
So, because you’ve been rounded at that computer all day,
you’re in thoracic or upper back flexion.
Let’s get you into upper back extension before you go to bed.
So after you brush your teeth,
put your hands on your bathroom counter.
Now, what I want you to do is push your hips back,
push your butt back, and drop your head between your arms.
Feel that huge stretch in the middle of your spine
between your shoulder blades.
Hold for two or three seconds,
come up, repeat,
and do that 20 times. Okay,
number two, before you leave your bathroom,
I want you to go to the doorway,
put your hands around belly button height,
take one step through, pull your shoulder blades back,
push your chest through, take 10 deep breaths.
What that is going to do is
it’s going to stretch out your pecs and your bicep
because they’ve been short all day from you sitting like this.
If you’re still tight, repeat it a second time for 10 deep breaths.
Do those two moves tonight before you go to bed
so you can wake up feeling better in the morning.
And most important, get you better, not older.