Title: A Compassionate Reminder to Listen to Your Inner Needs and Break the Cycle of Toxic Self-Punishment

hey so I noticed you’re having a hard time taking care of yourself
and don’t take that the wrong way
I’m not trying to attack you
in fact I actually wanna help out
because it’s very easy to get caught in that toxic self punishment cycle
where you feel really bad about the bad habit
and then try to fix the bad habit with an extreme response
that is immediately unsustainable
and then you fall off track
and you self soothe all the guilt and shame with more of the bad habit
and so you never really make any progress
which ultimately just spirals you down deeper
hey it’s okay
um I want you to ask yourself right now what it is you actually want
because you keep turning to the bad habits as a way to escape that question
it doesn’t doesn’t actually fill your cup
it really just numbs the pain of not having it figured out
so what would it look like if your appetites were actually satisfied right now
I mean does it look like literally eating a delicious meal
does it mean going and spending time with friends
like is it going outside for a second
if you pay attention to your body’s instincts
the natural instincts that you have as an animal biological being
it’ll tell you what you need
and that’s a really solid framework
that’s a solid roadmap of like
what to do right now um
I just mean to say that you probably have more answers than you realize
and you don’t need to keep searching right here for more of them
you can trust yourself and when you learn to trust yourself again
and actually give yourself what you need
you’ll realize you don’t need to punish yourself
go figure enjoy the process
you got this like you’re in control
like I promise
you can do it um
but yeah
figured I would just let you know
all right peace