Impostor Syndrome: Overcoming Doubts in the Fitness Industry

The reason you feel like you’re an imposter is because you are.
You’re pretending to be something you’re not.
People forget about the casual five years of working at the gyms
that I had where I actually like
sold memberships all the time.
They forgot about the two years where I flew around the country
and did 30+ turnarounds for gyms
in person before I ever felt okay about saying, yeah,
this system works for filling gyms up.
I filled up 30+ on my own,
flying out, risking my own capital,
rent a car, hotels,
ad spend and commission to a sales guy,
and I still was profitable.
I fell into fitness
cause I was already a state champ at a state record multiple before.
Somebody was like, hey,
can you help me with fitness?
And I was like me like, am I qualified?
I don’t know, I guess so.
And then I was like, well,
I’ll just tell him what I did.
Don’t teach shit you haven’t done.