Navigating Financial Chaos: Creating a Detailed Budget for Financial Freedom

We struggle just getting by check to check
and wondering what is the best way to kind of get out of that rut.
What’s your income? About 72,000 a year.
Okay. How much your house payment?
17. How much your car payment?
2 10. So we got 6 thousand dollars minus house payment,
minus car payment. So I got $4,000 left.
Feels kind of weird, doesn’t it?
It does, yeah.
Like. Like right this second you’re asking yourself
where the flips this money going?
And that’s kind of what I’m asking
by not having really good organization with my money.
And every detail out laid out.
The chaos eats these dollars for breakfast.
And so a written budget, a detailed budget
will make you feel like you’ve gotten a race.
Jump on every dollar and start using the.
It’s free to use just every
Download the app
and start using that budgeting app with you and your husband.
And you guys start working on that tonight,
you’re gonna feel like you got a race.