Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: The Mindset for Personal Growth and Wellness

Why wouldn’t we want to be the best version of ourselves we can be?
Now that is different for everybody.
But why wouldn’t we want to be?
If we’re not the absolute best version of ourselves,
why aren’t we? And why wouldn’t we wanna be?
Is because we consider it to be too much effort.
Is it because we don’t think we’re worth it?
Is it because we’re actually happy to settle for second best?
That actually we want a sedentary life on the sofa,
putting on weight, eating biscuits?
Cause I can’t believe that’s what we would choose to do.
So what happens to us?
Is it cause we just don’t think that we’re worth more effort?
I, I don’t really know.
Consider it this way. Your own personal development,
your own personal health, well being,
your journey. What about growth and well being?
Now if we keep that mindset, right?
Okay, I want to move myself forward into better health,
I wanna move myself into a happier place.
I am gonna consider my personal growth and development all the time.
That’s not hard work, that’s just considering it.
Now we of course talk about weight loss and health.
So if we are trying to be a better version of ourselves
in terms of weight loss, in terms of our own personal health,
why don’t we just keep this mindset that
I am going to develop myself as a better person?
Why would anybody not wanna do that?