Embracing the Mystery: Finding Meaning in the Warehouse Worship Community

Sometimes, you know, we.
We wake up some days and we feel like, ugh,
Why do you love me so much?
But I think being a part of this warehouse worship,
as a. As a family,
as a. As a unit,
as a community, it’s helped me realise that the relationship with.
With Jesus Christ, I can’t put a label in it.
I can’t label it. When you ask me what Jesus Christ is to me,
I can’t even tell you. He’s this.
Yeah. Cause he’s just.
He’s so much more and more, like,
just so much more. And on.
On those very stupid nights,
you experience this moments where. Yeah,
you just. Like.
Sometimes you see people screaming in the Holy Ghost.
People just. Yeah.
And you just. You just know that.
And I want to always say to the guys
is that it is a privilege to have the king of kings in our presence.
Yeah, definitely such a huge.
Because we don’t deserve it most of the time.
Yeah. But he honors us with his presence.
So for me,
Jesus is this and that and this and everything and everything else.