Navigating the Energies: Exploring Starseed and Angelic Essence

are you more Starseed Energy or Angelic Energy
let’s find out
if I could sum it up in one word for each category
angelic energy is healing
and Star Seed energy is activating
angelic energy has a very strong presence
and it comes from this place of love for humanity
love for animals love for the environment
love for literature love for the arts
love and the service of love
so you will find a lot of angelic beings
angelic humans doing lots of service roles
you know nurses teachers
social workers and actually
many of the special needs individuals I know
especially special needs children
have angelic energy because their energy is literally full of light
and they bless everyone who they’re in contact with
and parents of angelic children
parents of special needs children
you know
you know
you know
your child teaches you more about unconditional love in one minute of your day
than you would have Learned in 10 lifetimes
so people who are special needs
a lot of them choose to incarnate because they’re angelic energy
and there is a healing mission for them here in this earth
to wake up people to unconditional love
if you’re a starseed
if you are a starseed you are more
I don’t wanna say you’re here to fight
but you’re here to change things okay
you’re here to uh
you you’re
you’re you’re wired for data
you’re wired for strategy
you’re wired for figuring out systems
even though you personally
might not ascribe to a hierarchy of this person better than me
or whatever you see the hierarchies
and you see how other people see the hierarchies
and it’s because you’re meant to change the entire system
so Starseed Energy feels to me more active
and of course
you know angels
they’re angels who are first responders right
those are very
a lot of angelic energy there
people who are doing a lot of stuff
doing a lot of good in the world
but there’s something different about Star Seeds
it’s almost like we’re we’re unleashed into the world
like I’m put here
I have a mission I’m gonna figure this shit out
and I’m gonna change whatever is in my little area of expertise to change
star seeds tend to be much more
there’s a tendency for analytics
there’s a tendency of understanding systems
and there’s a tendency to like
wanna fuck things up okay
even if I mean
you could be a writer um
but the way that you write like
kinda fucks things up and of course
there’s a lot of overlap and many of you have had
lifetimes as on different planets as starseeds
and lifetimes in the uh
different realms the angelic realm
and there’s definitely angels that never incarnated right
and so it’s more like what is the majority of your energy now
what’s the majority of your inclinations
is it more being and holding and healing and helping
or is it activating and waking up and serving and pushing um
a change in the system a lot of people in tech who are founders especially um
and who are just innovative in their space
they tend to have Starseed Energy because they’re bringing with them
different processing systems from their star system
as gifts for humanity so these are just my personal observations
I would love it if you shared yours and we had this conversation um
because I feel like this is such a big topic
and I know there are weird people like me out there thinking about this
so please share whatever you have
in the comments and we can have a discussion about this cause it’s so cool