Navigating Hope and Reality: Exploring Life, Death, and Faith

What can’t you get out of life
if you don’t believe in your Christian God?
What does god give you?
What does god give me that you can’t get without him?
Then what? What doesn’t an atheist get?
What doesn’t an atheist that a Christian gets?
That’s what. Obviously I’ve been talking. Hope. Hope?
Hope for what? An afterlife.
Hope for an afterlife? Hope that god has a plan for my life.
But be I in a nursing home
or be I at the top of a major Fortune 500 company,
that doesn’t matter. God has a plan for my life,
and he can use me in a nursing home,
he can use me as a street cleaner,
or he can use me as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
And that’s exciting. But what?
But why trouble over what’s gonna happen a hundred years later?
Why not live today and tomorrow?
Well, I do live today and I do live tomorrow.
So then why despair over your death or what comes after your death?
Well, it’s called facing reality.
Reality is I’m gonna die. The statistics on death are very impressive.
One out of one die. You’re calling reality.
You’re calling something that you don’t know anything about
that’s gonna happen years and years from now to you reality.
Reality is right now.
Well, reality includes the fact that you’re gonna die,
and I’m gonna die. That’s not a fantasy.
Reality doesn’t include what’s going to happen After you die,
because you don’t know what’s gonna happen after you die.
You’re right.
I do not know what’s gonna happen exactly to me after death.
So then why despair over something you know nothing about?
Because I am able to observe dead bodies,
and they don’t communicate,
and they get buried and they disintegrate.
And that’s gonna happen to my body,
it’s gonna happen to your body,
and we’re gonna lose our ability to think
and to communicate with each other
and have meaningful relationships.
And that disturbs me. I mean,
I enjoy talking with you,
but if you’re dead or I’m dead,
we’re not doing any more talking.
We’re not going to build a relationship.
That’s right. So celebrate the,
your opportunity when you can do it.
Don’t despair over when you can’t.
Yeah, why waste life despairing?
I don’t call going to a doctor when you’re sick
and for having insurance and knowing where the best doctors are
I call it thinking through the fact I could get sick.
Boy, if I do get sick,
I wanna prolong my life.
I’m gonna go get the best medical attention I can.
Similarly, if I know I’m going to die,
I’d like to think about the possibility of life after death
and see if it’s available.
Wouldn’t you? Oh,
I think it’d be great if there’s life after that.
Good. But I, I, I, I,
I don’t know where to begin
determining whether or not Such a thing exists?
Well, obviously,
in order for there to be life after death,
there has to be a supernatural god.
Obviously, life after death implies the supernatural.
So I think it would be Whovian to start by asking,
is there any evidence, solid evidence,
that points to the existence of some type of supernatural god?
Then if you are able to move from atheism or agnosticism to theism,
then the next question is, well,
is this supernatural god interested in giving me a life after death?
Obviously, that’s where Jesus Christ enters the