Behind the Scenes with Cody Lee’s Band: Lollipops, Hot Chocolate, and Vocal Warm-ups

We’re in Cody Lee’s band. Of course.
We’re at two story targets. Ask you later.
We’re in Cody Lee’s band. Of course. We drink lollipop.
Oh, and if you’re wondering,
Cody drinks hot chocolate.
Almond milk, no whip.
We’re Bandley Cody. Of course,
when we play a wrong note, he’ll let us know.
We’re band. Cody Lee team.
Of course. We know how to do our vocal warm UPS.
These guys have no idea what they’re doing.
I think one of my band members is missing.
Hi, we’re band. Cody Lee Band team.
Of course. We leave our band members behind.