Title: Reflections on Politics, Wealth, and Hypocrisy in America

I hear Michelle Obama actually say,
probably the first true thing I heard at the DNC.
America, hope is making a comeback.
Yeah, hope is making a comeback.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, there’s a glimmer,
a glimmer of hope. And four years under Trump
and maybe it’s coming back.
I, I know they don’t see it that way,
but just like to remind them
Democrats have held the White House for 12 out of the last 16 years.
And yet they still blame Trump for absolutely everything.
Never once do they consider that their policies
the ones causing the problems we’re actually facing.
In fact, they never consider anything,
including how far apart their party platform is
from those that they are choosing to represent it
and the words coming out of their mouths.
She and my father didn’t aspire to be wealthy.
In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.
They understood that it wasn’t enough for their kids to thrive
if everyone else around us was drowning.
Haha, lady,
you’re worth $70 million
living part time in a seven bedroom mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.
Not to mention your other three homes.
The same Martha’s Vineyard
that deported 100% of the illegal migrants that were flown in there.
You see how ridiculous these people are?
Yet these people stand there
and say that they’re gonna raise taxes on the wealthy
while they have never paid more than the bare minimum themselves
while taking every possible Loophole.
They can anything they can imagine to pay the least amount of taxes.