Eccentric Commentary with a Dash of Humor: Push Pops, Snickerdoodles, and Popping Crickets

Pluto, I want you to say it works 60% of the time,
every time. You know what they say about super blue moons.
60% of the time, it works every time.
Today, try to use the word push pop.
Got him, that man.
A push pop from our T mobile coverage Cam right there.
Nice play, Willie Castro eviscerate.
And the twins eviscerating the baseball here in the fourth inning.
The word snickerdoodle. I saw that moon,
first thing I thought of was a snickerdoodle cookie.
And also hopping crickets.
There’s two doubles.
Julian heading home. He will score.
Popping crickets. There is the second double for Austin Martin today.
It’s nine. Nothing.