Unlocking Opportunities: How One Family’s Strategic Approach and YouTube Channel Led to Landing an Awesome School

We just had a client commit to an awesome school,
and I wanna share with you a few ways
that they were able to make this happen,
cause I think it might be helpful.
When this family first started,
they had a little bit of interest,
but they didn’t have a ton of momentum.
They didn’t have a systemized way of generating interest
and exposure from college coaches.
Now, the first reason
that this family was able to generate so much interest
and commit to an awesome school
is because they had one of the best YouTube channels I’ve ever seen.
Not only did they showcase 10 different skills,
but they had over 160 videos on their YouTube channel.
Keep in mind that these are mostly clips under 30 seconds.
But when I tell you
that you need a large amount of evidence
that your kid is a good player,
this is what I’m talking about.
Now, the second reason that they were able to generate so much interest
is because they contacted a ton of schools
at multiple different division levels.
At one point in the process,
this family was talking to 43 schools,
which I’m guessing is the reason she says
your program blew the lid off the exposure piece.
But for real, this family did so many things right on their own.
And this family just gets it.
When you hear something like 43 schools,
you think that that means that the kid is settling.
But if You read the comment here.
She says, you know what everyone says.
Find the best fit. And to be honest,
when you read that,
the underlying tone is that your kid isn’t good enough,
so go lower level. But when you really get into it,
that’s not what it means.
There’s just so much more to recruiting than just skill or talent.
And I think that is the perfect way to put it.
So excited for this family. They crushed it.