The United Front: A Parenting Chronicles Part Two – Crafting Discipline with Honesty and Integrity

Okay, what is.
What is the plan? I don’t.
I don’t have one. Okay.
This was your idea. No,
but listen, would really appreciate for you to do this part two.
No, no, no,
we got it, we got it,
we got it. Okay,
so here, you know,
we gotta be United. We gotta do this on the United front.
Alright kids, y’all go ahead and have a seat in the kitchen. Okay.
You know, these kids are crafty.
Yes, I do.
Yes, yes,
they are cut from a whole different cloth than the other two.
Right, so what do you wanna do?
What’s the game plan? Listen, uh,
do we go with the old fashioned shock,
awe and discipline or do we do the new?
Talk it out. We have no regrets
shocking all.
Wait a minute, mom and dad.
Don’t you wanna know why we did what we did?
haha, we know why you did what you did.
Uh huh. You don’t wanna switch schools.
But what exactly did we do, dad?
Other than be honest?
Abort! Abandoned!
Abort mission! No, no, no,
we have a group over here.
Listen, stay united.
Stay united. I need to hear this.
But it’s not a good idea. I promise you it’s not.
She got the. She got the look.
Come on, come on.
you thought it was a good idea
to tell everyone about you and your brother’s discipline record
like it was a rap sheet? And Jaden
You thought you should tell everyone in sight
about how boring school was.
Trying to faint like it was honesty
when really it was sabotage.
I mean, you really just shouldn’t try it.
Well, all those things we said are true.
Yeah, shouldn’t they know what they’re getting?
Isn’t that fair?
Told you to abort mission.
No, no, no.
See to abort mission.
Yeah, they.
They crafted. Told you to abort mission.
You gotta watch these. I told you we shouldn’t do this.
No. Okay,
let’s get the plan together.
Alright. So uh.
Oh, hold on.
It’s them.
Oh yeah. So.
So much for charter school.
Yes. Okay.
Haha. Alright.
They wanna talk to Hayden.
Haha. They’re gonna tell you themselves.
Wow, wow, wow.
That is cold blooded. That is cold.
Yes, he can hear too.
That actually sounds awesome.
Yeah, the school was pretty cool.
Okay, thank you.
Uh huh.
Okay. Yeah,
I’ll check the email. Yeah.
What was that?
Hey Jake.
They said they were impressed by our honesty and our big hearts.
Yep. They said they were looking for kids with integrity
and desire to learn.
They also promised that we’d never get bored. There.
They got in.
And how do you two feel about that? Fine.