Embracing Authenticity and Strength: A Day in Palm Beach with Tony and Sage Robbins

I’m gonna take you through a day.
Today happens to be a fun day.
I’m hosting an event with Tony and Sage Robbins.
It is 6:53 here in Palm Beach.
It’s my daily ritual. Never miss a sunrise.
I do this every day for two minutes,
but I didn’t get to do it today,
so since it’s here, I forgot.
This is, like, Tony’s thing.
There’s no set way to do anything in life.
It’s the way you want to do it
and what’s authentic to you and what works for you.
God sent these illnesses to me to figure them out,
push through,
and to know that we have a power in us that we don’t even know.
I never knew how strong I was
till I was able to get through all these moments.
We have to look at our lives and say
what’s serving us and what’s not serving us.
And make decisions that might be tough.
Make those decisions and not be afraid.
Life is so short and so precious.
Everything will go on.
And I just want you all to know that you’re loved.
And I think that this is the right place for all of you to be.