Navigating Challenges and Finding Solace: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Healing

Bro, go to therapy on some real shit.
I’m talking to, like,
a fucking friend. Yeah,
go to therapy. I don’t come from a rich family.
I come from shit. I fucking behind it.
Fucking work hard to get masters and civil engineering.
I got hurt in one of my workdays.
I sued. I have some money,
I don’t know what to do with it, I,
I don’t know what to do. Gary,
like, I, I.
Why are you so stressed by,
this is a blessing, I,
I know, but what are you doing to yourself?
I don’t know. You’re putting so much pressure on yourself.
Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself
when you’re in such a blessed situation?
People would be dying to be in this situation.
Dying, I,
I wanna make it work. I wanna make it last.
What did they, what I.
Do you know what I would do with it?
I would go to therapy.
Real talk, you are way too fearing,
struggling with something that’s a blessing.
You understand? I do,
yeah, bro,
honestly, the first thing I would do,
like, if I’m talking to you like my brother,
is I would take some of that money and go to therapy.
Because you’re way off on this, bro.
This is a blessing. I know,
but Gary, I’ve,
I’ve blessed my mom, got my mom out of debt,
I got my wife out of debt,
I got myself out of debt, okay?
And I did that. And then
you have family members. I grew up with a stepdad, okay?
It’s just like he’s after me,
okay? So that’s different.
Everybody wants a handout,
and I can’t. I can’t do that.
Don’t respond to them. You’re in control.
You can’t control what? Your stepdad wants a handout, bro.
Go to therapy on some real shit.
I’m talking to, like,
a fucking friend, bro.
You need to just calibrate this therapy, bro.
I promise that’s your best investment with that money.
Fuck. A high yield therapy.
Thank you, Gary.
Got you, brother.