Navigating the Dating Scene: Seeking the Balance Between Age and Income

By the way, where are you with your dating life?
I think you need, like,
an athlete. Do you need someone in the NFL?
There’s too much ego there.
What age bracket are you going for?
If they have been divorced and they have children,
I don’t care what age they are,
as long as they’re not 70.
Hey, you’ve been a 20 year old for three and a half years.
That’s pretty awesome.
I did try to set Tracy up with three.
It’s like 100.
You said that you needed somebody that made 10 million a year, minimum.
I mean, she’s got a tall drink order.
Yeah, well,
I’m just saying they should probably come for money at this point.
Yeah, I.
Tracy, you’re either going on one of two ways.
You’re either dating someone who’s so old they’re gonna die,
or someone who’s so young that you’re gonna be like, no,
no, no,
I’ve already done that. Yeah,
so then it’s the other way.