Breeding Plans and Future Prospects: A Look into High Point Performance Horses

this is a big question after I was at NSBA World in Tulsa
Oklahoma last week and I showed y’all Denver
aka first things first my young stallion prospect
and a lot of you wanted to know
when will he be coming to Running Springs
when will he be coming to Tennessee
so Denver is a little different than VS Code Red
VS Code Red is my older stallion that I purchased last year
he’s very established and all he does is breed
so he is done showing he has a job
he breeds um
about six months out of the year
and then he collects for frozen Semen the rest of the time
um he does get breaks
but you know
he kind of is never off work
like we kind of always need to have him at the breeding barn
and so for that reason
VS Code Red will probably not come to Running Springs until he’s retired
which I don’t really have a figure for
I’m hoping that’s years down the road
now for Denver it’s a little different
he’s actually in training very close to High Point
he isn’t training with Aaron Moses
and so he still has to go prove himself
he still needs to go show um
and he’s in a very good spot locationally to do all those things
because he can still continue to show over the next few years
and since he’s so close to High Point
that’s where he will be standing so for 2025
um the current plan is to only have him offered with frozen Semen
so that he can continue to show
and he doesn’t have to worry about going to the breeding barn
in the middle of show season
now we still have a lot to figure out with that
so we haven’t even collected them yet
so that’s not set in stone yet
but I would say it’s kind of gonna be the same answer for Denver
I don’t see him coming to Running Springs anytime soon
because as soon as he’s done showing
which is probably we hope it’s years down the road
we hope that he shows for a long time
because after he’s done doing the western pleasure uh
with Aaron I would like to show him in the western pleasure
and then we would like for a trail and western riding trainer to show him
and the trail and western riding
and then again hopefully I get to show him
so we don’t want him to be like
retired anytime soon from the show pin
and we also have big plans for him after the show pin
even before he’s done showing
we hope for him to be in the breeding barn
and so with that being said
I think it’s the same answer
I don’t think he is going to be leaving Texas anytime soon
High Point Performance Horses is where I have Waylon
it’s where Denver will go
they are exceptional they have things that
that I just don’t have access to
Christy Christianson is the stallion manager
and she has a brain like no other
she just is so on top of things
she is so amazing and so for that reason
they are in better hands where they are in Texas
they are so pampered they are so loved
they get breaks they get the best vet care
um and then High Point just runs such a tight ship for customers
for stallion owners for horses and training
um I can’t say enough good things about it
and so for that reason
I I’m not gonna say an exact time of when Denver would come to Running Springs
but it’s not gonna be anytime soon
so I hope that answered your question
let me know if you have any more