Finding Joy in the Setup: A Story of Filming Frustrations and Finished Satisfaction

Absolutely, absolutely.
I’m gonna be so honest. I did try to film the setup,
and it. It was just too over stimulating.
I couldn’t get the right angles.
I don’t have the fancy. I don’t have a fancy tripod that, like,
does this.
That doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t go sideways.
I can’t. It’s not like a bird’s eye view,
so I stopped.
But I will show you the finished product.
This is what it looks like.
I’m so happy with how it turned out.
I will say I’m so glad that I, like,
test it out how I wanted to hold it before I put the pop socket on,
cause if I’d put it in the center without, like,
testing that out, my hand would have been so uncomfortable.
Um, I’m waiting for a really amazing sticker to come into my life
to put here, but I’m.
I’m not gonna settle, so I’m waiting to fill that blank space.
But overall, it turned out so good,
and I’m so, so happy with it.
Picking things that spark joy versus going off in aesthetic is like,
my new favorite thing because it just makes life so much happier.