Unlocking PR Opportunities on Social Media: A Look at TikTok Shop and UGC Strategies

I actually don’t think that there’s been a better time on social media
to get PR than right now.
Or I guess easier. That is 1,000% due to TikTok shop.
I actually get probably around 10 packages a day,
and 75% of it isn’t PR, but it’s stuff that I didn’t buy.
Instead it is stuff sent to me to make UGC videos,
or essentially videos that brands can post on their page or run as ads.
So if you want to get into UGC,
there’s a lot of free product that comes with that.
There’s also a lot of free products
that comes with being a TikTok Shop affiliate.
Being a TikTok Shop affiliate is been how I’ve gotten on PR list for
like brands like Benefit,
L’oreal, Tart,
I don’t even know. And basically how I define that is
those are products sent with no expectations.
Obviously they’re sending them to you if you post a video,
like that’s their goal, but that’s not required
if you want PR
and you’re just kind of starting off on your social media journey.
Like I said, TikTok shop incredible.
But if you’re looking to just get product
to maybe make videos for brands and stuff,
get into UGC. Also TikTok Shop though.
I’ve been working really heavily with a furniture brand lately
and literally in the past week they sent me two full size sectionals,
two coffee tables, a dining table,
three different sets of nightstands,
four beds, a TV, Stand,
a rug, a lamp,
a chandelier, this new vanity,
a standing desk, a new armchair.
And that is just in one week.
there’s lots of different ways.
But, yeah,
there are some pretty cool opportunities in social media.
And it’s not like a one size fit all thing.
There’s so many different ways to approach it.
But it’s also so cool that this is something that, like, anyone can do.