Breaking Down Barriers: Opening Doors of Opportunity in State Government Jobs

Can we talk about what you did as it relates to jobs?
Like, I think it’s like 90,
a little. 93% of jobs within the government of Pennsylvania
require college degrees now.
No longer. No longer require college degrees.
I’m so sorry. Yeah,
no, no, listen.
I think that we’ve had too many artificial barriers to entry
for economic opportunity. So, literally,
on day one, I signed an executive order
doing away with the college degree requirement for 92
93% of our state government jobs.
That’s over 66,000 jobs that are now open to anybody.
And in my year and a half as governor,
over 60% of our new hires don’t have a college degree.
Proving that we’re opening up those doors of opportunity
for more people who’ve historically been shut out.
Opportunity, purpose,
job education.
A lot of things that are more important than maybe a college degree.
There you go.