Navigating Job Rejection: Strategies for Assessing and Improving Interview Performance

What do you do when you keep getting job interviews but then rejected?
Alright, so first of all,
obviously you’re doing something right to get those job interviews,
so you should celebrate that.
But it does mean that something’s happening in the job interview
that you’re not moving forward.
So the one thing that most people assume is well,
I should just go get feedback.
But please understand,
it’s not the company’s job to give you that feedback.
I know you feel like they should give it to you,
but most companies really aren’t comfortable giving you that feedback.
1 they don’t want to let you down,
they don’t want you to feel bad.
But 2 they’re also afraid of being sued.
So they get advised not to give you that feedback.
That’s why it’s a waste of your time to ask.
you need to be able to step back and be self aware enough to know.
Where did it start to feel like it went off track?
Um. Did you feel like they started to be less engaged with you?
Do you feel like, could you see a reaction to maybe
a particular question that you answered
that you didn’t get that warm and fuzzy?
You do have to try to do some self assessment and kind of.
They call it armchair quarterbacking.
Or you know, doing a post mortem on that interview
and think of what are one or two things I could have done better.
That’s One thing you should definitely be doing.
If you’re repeatedly not getting moved to the next level,
then you also should probably work with a job search coach.
Someone should do a mock interview with you
to try to figure out what’s going wrong.
It’s very likely that you’re not noticing something that you’re doing
that’s making it impossible for you to move forward.
And especially if you’ve gone on three,
five, 10 interviews and you’re not moving forward,
there’s something you’re doing in the interview that we wanna correct.
And it’s okay. You might not recognize what it is on your own.
You can try, but if not,
it would really help for you to do a mock interview with a job coach
in order to do that.