Chopped Liver, Matzoh Ball Soup, and Macaroni Salad: A Culinary Adventure with Remy

Today we’re trying chopped liver,
and you will not judge me.
Chopped liver, I’ve had since I was younger.
Every, like,
Russian shana. I can eat a tub of this.
I know it sounds disgusting.
I love it. I know this really might gross out some people,
but like I always say, my friends,
when I die, bury me in chopped liver. Seriously,
it’s so good. Guys,
try some of the chop liver on this brioche that they send with it.
Let’s do a little tomato on top of that.
And it comes with onion, too.
I’m not really, like,
an onion girly. Should I do it?
Let’s do it. Let’s do it up.
Hmm. Hmm.
Now, before you ask,
what is chop liver? Just like you all were asking, oh,
what’s a matzoh ball? Last night.
It’s called Google. It’s a little,
little website. Tells you exactly what you want to know.
So Google. This one’s for Bethany Frankel,
because Sarge sent me their chicken salad and their macaroni salad,
and they claim that it’s the best in New York City.
They also sent me more matzoh ball soup,
knowing that I’m sick. And that,
I will say, is the best matzoh ball soup in New York City
by far.
Oh, my god.
Let’s take a good look at the macaroni.
This does look really good.
واو دوس ايه
wow that’s really good
that’s really good.
I like that the pasta is different than normal macaroni salad.
Like I Love.
We’re gonna try the chicken salad and see what’s going on here. Okay?
I got some good slivers of chicken in there.
Alright, this is what I have to say with chicken salad.
I think there’s two types of chicken salad people.
There’s one at my local deli I love that is like this
very similar. This one’s better for sure.
And it’s more of like pulls of chicken with the Mayo.
There’s one I love, maybe even more,
that is like more of like a little chopped up chunks of chicken
and there’s cranberries and pineapple in it.
Always get on a wrap with a cheddar cheese and tomato.
Like, I just can’t explain.
The combo is amazing. Anyways,
this is amazing if you’re into the shredded chicken.
And there’s definitely a lot of Mayo.
I can’t say any of this stuff is healthy
cause it’s definitely not.
There’s a lot of Mayo and all this,
but really good.
It just depends what kind of chicken salad girl you are,
you know what I mean? I think everyone does food reviews
and I’m not trying to be like a food influencer really.
But I think what I should do cause you guys are liking these is like
try weird foods that Remy likes.
I think that’s better cause I don’t wanna take anyone’s stick,
you know what I mean? I’m not gonna like do octopus all the time
cause that’s Jake’s thing.
Bethany does the chicken Salad,
like, I think,
Remy’s favorite foods, and then also, like,
Remy’s weird favorite selects of food, you know what I mean?