Unveiling the Authenticity Crisis: Analyzing JLo and Blake Lively’s Personal Branding in the Social Media Age

here is my hot take on Jlo and Blake Lively
obviously both women right now are in the hot seat
um and the conversation is really around PR and that’s the wrong take
it really comes down to being a personal branding issue
these celebrities became famous during a time where the expectation wasn’t
for them to have an authentic personality
social media didn’t exist
so it wasn’t like we could actually get to know these people
these PR companies and experts could construct this persona that was
that was a star it was an idol
it was untouchable you never got to get to know them
and it was this perfect image of someone
that didn’t need to be an authentic representation of who they were
it was like their stage name
their stage act it was a caricature of who they were
and that worked very well
especially during the pop star era of when Jlo became big
and when Blake Lively became huge with Gossip Girl
it was a figment of the time
and now we live in an age where
celebrities are no longer as relevant as they were before
like today
the celebrities are Jettin Pookie or Alexander Cooper of call her daddy or um
Alex Earl or David Goggins or Joe Rogan
like real people people who are not famous because they’re on TV show
but people who are famous because they invest everyday
and showing their authentic lives and their authentic selves
we connect with these people
and they’re the most relevant today because they’re using socials
and the celebrities that adapted with where where PR
where connections
where the network effect went are the ones that stayed relevant
that includes Victoria Beckham that includes Miley Cyrus
these are people who were famous before the age of socials
and they evolved with socials
and this is the conversation we have to have around J
Lo and Blake Lively it’s nothing against them
but we don’t know them and we never knew them
and if they’re not gonna adapt to where we are today with socials
and we can’t get to know them
we become suspicious
we don’t like them anymore because these are the kinds of people that we like
it’s people who are being authentic
and everything about Jlo’s brand has has not been authentic
and with Blake Lively like this is what people are upset about
like lover or hater we don’t know anything about her
we haven’t known anything about her for a long time
and being pretty isn’t enough
you need to be authentic when you have to connect with your community
if you want support cause fame is no longer given
it’s earned
and putting yourself online and being vulnerable is is a different step
it’s a bigger ask and it’s more than what celebrities were asked for before
and if they’re not preferred to do that
they’re gonna be in the hot scene and really that’s what it comes down to
my opinion is both of these stars don’t have personal brands
and I think there’s gonna be
a big push of people
calling out these celebrities that are hiding behind outdated tactics
that made them in captain
famous in the past so that’s my hot take on the way to the airport
let me know what you think
put them in the comments below